MODULE A: The Fundamentals of Infant Oral Feeding
The Fundamentals of Infant Oral Feeding addresses the development of infant oral feeding skills; more specifically that of sucking, swallowing, respiration, and very importantly their coordinated activities.
MODULE B: Immature Suck, Swallow, Respiration and Esophageal Function
Immature Suck, Swallow, Respiration & Esophageal Function focuses on how immaturity of these functions lead to unsafe and inefficient oral feeding when breast- and bottle-feeding.
MODULE C: Deterrent factors that can affect oral feeding
Deterrent factors that can affect oral feeding describes the adverse effects that infants’ clinical status, behavioral states, and organization along with the environment in which they live, hospital or home, may have on their oral feeding performance.
MODULE D: The Breastfeeding Challenge
The Breastfeeding Challenge centers on the appropriate maternal and infant attributes that ensure successful and safe breastfeeding.